Automated Compliance Risk Management Software for Singapore Businesses
Komrisk Lite is a model RegTech compliance solution for Singapore businesses, whose all-encompassing features guarantee to meet the compliance needs of any industry across the board. Komrisk Lite is capable of mitigating legal risks and creating a smooth running compliance management workflow establishing a robust compliance culture.

Empower Your Business with Komrisk Lite
- Draw international investors
- Increase business confidence
- Robust legal MIS
- Increase your chances for getting an IPO listing
- Reduce risk of penalties
- Instil antibribery culture
- Optimise legal and compliance expenditure
- Reduce legal spend
- Increase VCs and angel investors’ confidence through robust CMS system
- Increase confidence of banks through putting up a robust CMS system in place
- Always be audit ready and increase confidence of your directors
- Keep away from inspector notices and arrest warrants
- Create a well sort out compliance culture and workflow
- Monitor compliance related updates with ease.
- Get a comprehensive compliance report
- Optimise operational efficiency.
- Monitor completion of compliance with ease
- Be on top of your legal audits by downloading compliance reports with a click
Empower Your Business with Komrisk Lite
- Attract international buyers
- Do business with large local companies
- Qualify for e-commerce platforms
- Participate in global tenders
- Increase operational efficiency
- Avoid Penalties
- Shun bribes
- Reduce compliance spend
- Lower management time in managing compliance
- VCs and angel funds love to invest in compliant businesses
- Easier bank loans
- Be due diligence ready
- Attract big names to the Board as independent directors
- No inspector or notice will scare you
- No sudden arrest warrant
- A planned compliance lifecycle
- Monitor compliance updates
Manage Your Compliance Using Komrisk Lite
Identify compliances based on operating unit, entity and nature of compliance.
Put in business details and get automated compliance check list created for your applicable compliances.
Get your own compliance library with all the applicable compliances.
Choose your users and compliance task owners and assign them user roles.
Know your compliance status based on operating units and users.
Allocation of compliances is now easier than ever.
Get a colour coded compliance Calander for the ease of compliance.
Compliance Status Alerts
Komrisk provides reminders to the task owners to complete their task, before the due date, and task reviewers to review the completion of task to maintain a robust compliance workflow striving for absolute noncompliance.
Real Time Compliance Status Report
Komrisk provides real time compliance status report which can be then presented to the senior management and auditors to maximise compliance transparency and minimise non-compliance.