Factory Restart Checklist

Are you ready to restart your Factory?

Before you do, here’s a quick checklist to see if you are ready to restart manufacturing facilities after lock down.
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The safety protocols outlined by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) come at the backdrop after several incidents which affected more than 5000 people and killed more that 11 people in the tragedy. Due to several weeks of lockdown and the closure of industrial units during the lockdown period, it is possible that some of the operators might not have followed the established SOP (standard operating procedure). As a result, some of the manufacturing facilities, pipelines, valves, etc. may have residual chemicals, which may pose risk. The same is true for the storage facilities with hazardous chemicals and flammable materials. In view of this, the NDMA has issued generic safety guidelines for industries and workers, as well as specific industry-based protocols such as product storage, manufacturing, and raw material storage.

Here’s a quick checklist to see if you are ready to restart manufacturing facilities after lock down.

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