Rajasthan PCB directs industries engaged in generating and handling of “other wastes” to obtain authorization under the Hazardous Waste Management Rules 2016

The Rajasthan Pollution Control Board has, through an Order dated 25th August 2020, decided to bring other waste in the regulatory framework of the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 (“Rules”), thereby, directing industries engaged in generation and handling of other waste to obtain authorization under the Rules.

Also, the Order stated that the Regional Officers shall identify such industries and further direct them to obtain authorization under the Rules. The Group In Charges shall also examine inspection reports, critically identify industries which are engaged in handling of other waste and bring them in authorization mechanism.


The above decision has been taken considering the Rules which provides that every occupier of the facility who is engaged in handline, generation, collection, storage, packaging. transportation, use, treatment, processing, recycling, recovery,  pre-processing, co-processing, utilization, offering for sale, transfer or disposal of the hazardous and other wastes shall be required to obtain an authorization from the State Pollution Control Board. However, it has been observed that the persons responsible for operating facilities engaged in handling of other wastes seldom apply for obtaining such authorization. Also, in the matter of Rajiv Narayan & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors, the National Green Tribunal passed an Order, accepting the following recommendation of the Monitoring Committee:

“Recommendation No. 1.2: Other waste is presently missing from all the regulatory actions, including inventory. It is necessary to bring such waste in regulatory domain, as envisaged in the Rules.”


Source: Rajasthan Pollution Control Board

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