Karnataka Govt. revises registration and renewal fees for shops and commercial establishments

The Government of Karnataka has notified amendments to the fee structure for obtaining and renewing registration certificates for shops and commercial establishments. The Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1963 have been modified to reflect these changes, specifically under Schedule I.

The updated fee structure is tabulated below for ease of reference.

Sl. No. Category of Establishment Fee (in Rupees)
1 Shop and commercial establishments having no Employees


2 Shop and commercial establishments employing 1-9 employees


3 Shop and commercial establishments employing 10-19 employees 5400
4 Shop and commercial establishments employing 20-49 employees 13500
5 Shop and commercial establishments employing 50-99 employees 27000
6 Shop and commercial establishments employing 100-250 employees 54000
7 Shop and commercial establishments employing 251-500 employees 67500
8 Shop and commercial establishments employing 501-1000 employees 94500
9 Shop and commercial establishments employing more than 1000 employees 101250


Source: Karnataka Gazette

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