The Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department of Tamil Nadu notifies the Guidelines on renewal of license for establishment of Wood Based Industries under Rule 5(1) of the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Wood Based Industries Rules, 2010 (“Regulations”). These guidelines have been issued to facilitate timely renewals while ensuring accountability and to streamline the administrative process for license renewal applications received after the prescribed time limit under the Regulations. However, it has been clarified that the applications received beyond 6 months after the expiry of licence will be rejected summarily.
Key Highlights:
- One-time provision for pending renewal applications received after the expiry of license- Considering the administrative disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic, one time provision has been provided for all pending applications for the renewal of license received after expiry of license. A penalty of Rs. 10,000/- will be collected for these applications. It is also clarified that all applications submitted to the District Forest Officers till 31.12.2024 will be considered under this provision.
- Provision for renewal applications after expiry period received after 31.12.2024- Application for renewal will be permitted upto 6 months after the expiry of license with a penalty on per day basis. A penalty of Rs. 500/- per day will be collected for the first 3 months after expiry followed by a penalty of Rs. 1000/- per day for the next 3 months.
The notification is hyperlinked below for your ease of reference.
Source: The Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department of Tamil Nadu