CPCB extends registration window period till 31st May, 2024 for PIBOs and PWPs for submitting registration application on EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging

CPCB has extended the registration window period for Producers, Importers and Brand Owners (PIBOs) and Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) to submit complete Registration application on Centralized Extended Producer Responsibility Portal (“EPR Portal”) till 31st May,2024. Please note, fresh/renewed Consent to Operate to Producers/ PWPs will be granted by SPCB/ PCCs only after registration on EPR Portal.

Further, the Producers/ Importers and Recyclers who are not registered on the EPR Portal are prohibited from selling plastic packaging/ commodities in plastic packaging or recycled plastic to Brand-owners (excluding Brand-owners falling in MSME category). They are further directed to include Registration number in the GST E-invoice issued to the Brand-owners of such transactions. Registration by PIBOs on EPR Portal was made compulsory by the EPR Guidellines effective from 16.02.2022. However, delay in registration on EPR portal will not absolve the PIBOs of fulfilling their EPR obligations for the intervening period.

With a view to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (“Rules”), the Central Pollution Control Board (“CPCB”) has directed the Producers, Importers and Brand Owners (PIBOs) and Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs), who have not applied for registration, to mandatorily submit an application for the same on the EPR Portal (https://eprplastic.cpcb.gov.in/#/plastic/home).

Necessary action against defaulters will be taken including levying of Environmental Compensation and closure of operations in accordance with the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Background: The Environment Ministry issued the Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility (“EPR”) for plastic packaging wherein PIBOs and PWPs were required to register on the centralized portal to fulfil their EPR liability. While several PIBOs and PWPs have been registered on the EPR Portal, it has been observed that some PIBOs and PWPs are still operating without obtaining registration which is in violation of provisions of the Rules.

A Copy of the Notification is attached herewith for your ease of reference.

Source: Central Pollution Control Board

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