EPFO directs employers to submit Form-5A online only effective 25th January, 2018

In a recent circular dated 25th January, 2018, the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (“EPFO”) has directed employers to furnish Form No. 5-A (return of ownership) online on the official EPFO website at the following URLs: www.epfindia.gov.in and www.epfindia.com. Employers have also been asked to submit particulars of all branches and departments, owners, occupiers, directors, partners, manager or any other persons who have the ultimate control over the affairs of such factory or establishment. In the event any of change in the afore-mentioned details, then such change must also be provided to EPFO within 15 days of the change.

In order to facilitate the online submission, EPFO has provided the e-sign facility to the employers and has further informed that employers submitting Form 5-A with digital / e- signatures will not be asked for hard copies of the same.

In view of this development, going forward, all employers have been directed to avail the online facility only as the physical application will be discontinued, effective 25th January, 2018.

Source: Employees Provident Fund Organisation

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