FSSAI amends FSS (Advertising and Claims) Amendment Regulations, 2018; inserts new Schedule dealing with “List of Claims for Edible Vegetable Oils”; FBOs to comply with the amendment by 01.07.2021

In a Gazette Notification dated 13th October, 2020 the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has issued the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) First Amendment Regulations, 2020 in order to further amend the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018.

The Amendment has gained immediate effect and Food Business Operators have to comply with all the provisions of these Regulations by 1st July, 2021.

The Amendment adds a new Schedule which deals with List of Claims for Edible Vegetable Oils. However, Food Business Operators may choose to use same or similar terms in the claim statements as provided in Schedule IIA (newly inserted through the Amendment) while ensuring that there is no change in the intent and meaning of the claim.


Source: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

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