Compliance Calendar 2025

Lexplosion Compliance Calendar 2025

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ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Jan-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Jan-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Jan-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Jan-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Jan-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Collected at Source (TCS)Quarterly12-Jan-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Quarterly as per QRMPQuarterly13-Jan-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Jan-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Jan-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Jan-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Jan-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Jan-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Jan-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding month Monthly15-Jan-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Jan-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Jan-25
CorporateSubmit quarterly Compliance report on corporate governanceQuarterly21-Jan-25
CorporateFile quarterly statement with details on Investor Complaints / Grievances - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterly21-Jan-25
CorporateSubmit Quarterly Compliance Test Report to SEBI - Applicable to Asset management CompaniesQuarterly21-Jan-25
CorporateDeclaration of Shareholding Pattern - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly21-Jan-25
FiscalIssuance of TCS Certificate in Form 27DQuarterly30-Jan-25
CorporateReconciliation of Share Capital Audit - Appilcable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly 30-Jan-25
LabourEmployer to furnish information and returns in Form ER - IQuarterly30-Jan-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)Quarterly31-Jan-25
LabourAnnual Return return under Minimum Wages Act, 1948Yearly31-Jan-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
LabourFile Annual Returns showing payment of bonusYearly1-Feb-25
LabourAnnual return of payment of compensationYearly1-Feb-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Feb-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Feb-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Feb-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Feb-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Feb-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly11-Feb-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Feb-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Feb-25
CorporateSubmission of 3rd Quarter unaudited financial with Stock exchangeQuarterly14-Feb-25
FiscalIssuance of Form 16AQuarterly15-Feb-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Feb-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Feb-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Feb-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Feb-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Feb-25
LabourAnnual Return under Contract Labour (Regulation And Abolition) Act, 1970Yearly15-Feb-25
LabourAnnual Return under Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation Of Employment And Conditions Of Service) Act, 1979Yearly15-Feb-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Feb-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
CorporateSubmission of Certificate of Compliance OfficerYearly1-Apr-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Apr-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Apr-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Apr-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Apr-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Quarterly as per QRMPQuarterly13-Apr-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Apr-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Apr-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Apr-25
CorporateSubmit Half-yearly Statement to the recognized Stock Exchange and the Depository - Applicable to an IssuerHalf-Yearly15-Apr-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Apr-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Apr-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Apr-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Apr-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Apr-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Apr-25
CorporateSubmit quarterly Compliance report on corporate governanceQuarterly21-Apr-25
CorporateFile quarterly statement with details on Investor Complaints / Grievances - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterly21-Apr-25
CorporateSubmit Quarterly Compliance Test Report to SEBI - Applicable to Asset management CompaniesQuarterly21-Apr-25
GSTFurnishing of half yearly ITC-04 statementHalf Yearly25-Apr-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly30-Apr-25
CorporateSubmit Half-Yearly Networth Certificate- Applicable to members providing Margin trading facility to their clientsHalf-Yearly30-Apr-25
CorporateSubmit half-yearly return (October - March) for payments due to Micro or Small Enterprises - Applicable to Specified CompaniesHalf-Yearly30-Apr-25
CorporateOnline submission of Risk Assessment Template through web-CDAS-Applicable to Depository ParticipantHalf-Yearly30-Apr-25
CorporateReconciliation of Share Capital Audit - Appilcable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly 30-Apr-25
CorporateCompliance Certificate certifying maintenance of Share Transfer Facility  - Applicable to Listed CompaniesYearly30-Apr-25
CorporateDeclaration of Shareholding Pattern - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly30-Apr-25
EHSPrepare and submit an Annual Report to the concerned local body - Applicable to persons engaged in recycling or processing of plastic wasteYearly30-Apr-25
EHSSubmit Annual Report, obtain necessary approvals and ensure safe and sound operations - Applicable to an operator / recycler/processor of a facility of solid waste treatmentYearly30-Apr-25
LabourEmployer to furnish information and returns in Form ER - IQuarterly30-Apr-25
CorporateConvene a minimum of 4 Board Meetings in a year - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterlyEvery year, with a maximum time gap of 120 days between any two meetings.
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-May-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-May-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly#VALUE!
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly#VALUE!
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-May-25
LabourSubmit returns with regard to employees engaged through Principal and Immediate EmployersHalf-Yearly11-May-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-May-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-May-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-May-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Collected at Source (TCS)Quarterly15-May-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-May-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-May-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-May-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-May-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-May-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-May-25
FiscalIssuance of TCS Certificate in Form 27DQuarterly30-May-25
CorporateFiling of audited financial statement with stock exchangeYearly30-May-25
CorporateSubmit Reconciliation of share Capital Audit Report in form PAS-6Yearly30-May-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)Quarterly31-May-25
FiscalFurnishing of statement of financial transaction (SFT) by a reportable assesseeYearly31-May-25
CorporateSubmit Half-Yearly Networth Certificate  on Electronic NSE Interface for Trading Members (ENIT) - Applicable to all members of NSEHalf-Yearly31-May-25
CorporateFile Annual Return with the Registrar- Applicable to a Limited Liability PartnershipYearly31-May-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
EHSSubmit Half-yearly returns under the Environmental Impact Assessment NotificationHalf-Yearly1-Jun-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Jun-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Jun-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Jun-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Jun-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Jun-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Jun-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Jun-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Jun-25
FiscalIssuance of Form 16AQuarterly15-Jun-25
FiscalDeposit of instalment of Advance Income-TaxQuarterly15-Jun-25
FiscalIssuance of Form 16 for last Financial YearYearly15-Jun-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Jun-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Jun-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Jun-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Jun-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Jun-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Jun-25
Corporate Filing of Form DPT-3 with registrarYearly30-Jun-25
EHSPrepare and submit Annual Return to the State Pollution Control Board - Applicable to an Occupier handling hazardous or other wasteYearly30-Jun-25
EHSFile Annual Return under EPR with CPCB- Applicable to ProducerYearly30-Jun-25
EHSSubmission of an annual report – Applicable to all occupiers or operators of common bio-medical waste treatment facilityYearly30-Jun-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Jul-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Jul-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Jul-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Jul-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Jul-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Quarterly as per QRMPQuarterly13-Jul-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Jul-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Jul-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Jul-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Collected at Source (TCS)Quarterly15-Jul-25
FOREXFiling of Annual Return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets(FLA)Yearly15-Jul-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Jul-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Jul-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Jul-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Jul-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Jul-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Jul-25
CorporateSubmit quarterly Compliance report on corporate governanceQuarterly21-Jul-25
CorporateFile quarterly statement with details on Investor Complaints / Grievances - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterly21-Jul-25
CorporateSubmit Quarterly Compliance Test Report to SEBI - Applicable to Asset management CompaniesQuarterly21-Jul-25
CorporateDeclaration of Shareholding Pattern - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly21-Jul-25
FiscalIssuance of TCS Certificate in Form 27DQuarterly30-Jul-25
CorporateReconciliation of Share Capital Audit - Appilcable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly 30-Jul-25
LabourEmployer to furnish information and returns in Form ER - IQuarterly30-Jul-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)Quarterly31-Jul-25
EHSFile Quarterly Return through the online portal - Applicable to a ProducerQuarterly 31-Jul-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Aug-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Aug-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Aug-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Aug-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Aug-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Aug-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Aug-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Aug-25
FiscalIssuance of Form 16AQuarterly15-Aug-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Aug-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Aug-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Aug-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Aug-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Aug-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Aug-25
CorporateConduct Annual General Meeting every financial year - Applicable to a Top 100 Listed EntityAnnually31-Aug-25
CorporateConvene a minimum of 4 Board Meetings in a year - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterlyEvery year, with a maximum time gap of 120 days between any two meetings.
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Sep-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Sep-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Sep-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Sep-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Sep-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Sep-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Sep-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Sep-25
FiscalDeposit of instalment of Advance Income-TaxQuarterly15-Sep-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Sep-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributions for ESIMonthly15-Sep-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Sep-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Sep-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Sep-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Sep-25
CorporateFiling of Financial Statement for the FY 2023-242022-23 (AOC-4) -One Person CompanyYearly27-Sep-25
FiscalAudit report under section 44AB for the assessment year 2025-26 in the case of a corporate-assessee or non-corporate assessee (who is required to submit his/its return of income on October 31, 2022)Yearly30-Sep-25
CorporateKYC of Directors having DINYearly30-Sep-25
CorporateConducting Annual General MeetingYearly30-Sep-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Oct-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Oct-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Oct-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Oct-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Oct-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Quarterly as per QRMPQuarterly13-Oct-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Oct-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Oct-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Oct-25
CorporateFiling of Form ADT - 1 for Auditor or Auditors' Firm appointed during AGMYearly14-Oct-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Collected at Source (TCS)Quarterly15-Oct-25
CorporateIndian Depository Receipt holding pattern & Shareholding details - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly15-Oct-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Oct-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Oct-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Oct-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Oct-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Oct-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Oct-25
CorporateCorporate Governance Report - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly21-Oct-25
CorporateSubmit quarterly Compliance report on corporate governanceQuarterly21-Oct-25
CorporateSubmit Half-yearly Statement to the recognized Stock Exchange and the Depository - Applicable to an IssuerHalf-Yearly21-Oct-25
CorporateStatement of Grievance Redressal Mechanism - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly21-Oct-25
CorporateDeclaration of Shareholding Pattern - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly21-Oct-25
CorporateFile quarterly statement with details on Investor Complaints / Grievances - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterly21-Oct-25
CorporateSubmit Quarterly Compliance Test Report to SEBI - Applicable to Asset management CompaniesQuarterly21-Oct-25
GSTFurnishing of half yearly ITC-04 statementHalf Yearly25-Oct-25
CorporateFile financial statements including Consolidated Financial Statement adopted at the Annual General Meeting with the Registrar within 30 days of the AGM -Applicable to all companiesYearly29-Oct-25
FiscalIssuance of TCS Certificate in Form 27DQuarterly30-Oct-25
CorporateCertificate from Practicing Company Secretary (PCS) - Applicable to Listed CompaniesHalf-Yearly30-Oct-25
CorporateTransfer or transmission or transposition of securities - Applicable to Listed CompaniesHalf-Yearly30-Oct-25
CorporateReconciliation of Share Capital Audit - Appilcable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly30-Oct-25
CorporateFile Statement of Account and Solvency with the Registrar- Applicable to a Limited Liability PartnershipYearly30-Oct-25
LabourEmployer to furnish information and returns in Form ER - IQuarterly30-Oct-25
FiscalFurnish quarterly statements of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)Quarterly31-Oct-25
FiscalAnnual return of income for the Assessment Year 2025-26 if the assessee (not having any international or specified domestic transaction) is (a) corporate-assessee or (b) non-corporate assessee (whose books of account are required to be audited) or (c) working partner of a firm whose accounts are required to be audited)Yearly31-Oct-25
FiscalAudit report under section 44AB for the assessment year 2025-26 in the case of an assessee who is also required to submit a report pertaining to international or specified domestic transactions under section 92EYearly31-Oct-25
FiscalFurnishing of Form 3CEB in respect of the international transactions and specified domestic transactionsYearly31-Oct-25
CorporateSubmit half-yearly return (April - September) for payments due to Micro or Small Enterprises - Applicable to Specified CompaniesHalf-Yearly31-Oct-25
CorporateOnline submission of Risk Assessment Template through web-CDAS-Applicable to Depository ParticipantHalf-Yearly31-Oct-25
EHSFile Quarterly Return through the online portal - Applicable to a ProducerQuarterly 31-Oct-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Nov-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Nov-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly10-Nov-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Nov-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Nov-25
LabourSubmit returns with regard to employees engaged through Principal and Immediate EmployersHalf-Yearly11-Nov-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Nov-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Nov-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Nov-25
CorporateSubmission of Financial Statements along with Limited review Report to Stock Exchanges - Applicable to Listed CompaniesQuarterly14-Nov-25
FiscalIssuance of Form 16AQuarterly15-Nov-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Nov-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Nov-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Nov-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Nov-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Nov-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Nov-25
CorporateFurnishing of Annual Return in MGT-7Yearly28-Nov-25
FiscalAnnual return of income for the Assessment Year 2025-26 in the case of an assessee if he/its is required to submit a report under section 92E pertaining to international or specified domestic transaction(s)Yearly30-Nov-25
Fiscal​Report in Form No. 3CEAA by a constituent entity of an international groupYearly30-Nov-25
CorporateSubmit Half-Yearly Networth Certificate  on Electronic NSE Interface for Trading Members (ENIT) - Applicable to all members of NSEHalf-Yearly30-Nov-25
CorporateSubmit Reconciliation of share Capital Audit Report in form PAS-6Half-Yearly30-Nov-25
ModuleTitleFrequency Due Date
EHSSubmit Half-yearly returns under the Environmental Impact Assessment NotificationHalf-Yearly1-Dec-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TDS deductedMonthly7-Dec-25
FiscalMonthly payment of TCS CollectedMonthly7-Dec-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-8 returnMonthly10-Dec-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-1 Monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly11-Dec-25
GSTFiling of Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)Monthly13-Dec-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-5/5A returnMonthly13-Dec-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-6 returnMonthly13-Dec-25
GSTMonthly filing of GSTR-7 returnMonthly13-Dec-25
FiscalDeposit of instalment of Advance Income-TaxQuarterly15-Dec-25
LabourDeduct and deposit prescribed amount as provident fund from salary within 15 days of close of every monthMonthly15-Dec-25
LabourDeduction and deposit of contributionsMonthly15-Dec-25
LabourMonthly returns if International Workers are employedMonthly15-Dec-25
LabourSend "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to an employer if no international worker has qualified to become a member for the first time or left service during the preceding monthMonthly15-Dec-25
LabourSend a "Nil" Return on a monthly basis to the Commissioner - Applicable to employers who have not engaged international workersMonthly15-Dec-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-3B monthly/ turnover exceeding INR 5 crMonthly20-Dec-25
GSTFurnishing of GSTR-9/9B/9CYearly31-Dec-25
FOREXFiling of Annual Performance Report (APR)Yearly31-Dec-25
CorporateConvene a minimum of 4 Board Meetings in a year - Applicable to a Listed EntityQuarterlyEvery year, with a maximum time gap of 120 days between any two meetings.

**For furnishing of GSTR-3B quarterly as per QRMP:

22-Jan | Apr | Jul | Oct Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Puducherry, Andaman, and the Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep
22-Jan | Apr | Jul | Oct Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Chandigarh, Delhi


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