Reports under cyber security and cyber resilience framework of SEBI to be submitted to BSE ; report needs to be sent on 1st of the next month for every quarter

Securities and Exchange Board of India had previously in a circular dated 3rd December, 2018 shared a framework on cyber security and cyber resilience to protect the integrity of data and guard against breaches of privacy.

Para 52 of the abovementioned circular requires quarterly reports containing information on cyber-attacks and threats experienced by Stock Brokers / Depository Participants and measures taken to mitigate vulnerabilities, threats and attacks including information on bugs / vulnerabilities / threats that may be useful for other Stock Brokers / Depository Participants to be submitted to Stock Exchanges / Depositories.

In line with the above requirement, the Bombay Stock Exchange has issued a notice, dated 16th July, 2019 stating that the report can be sent to For each quarter, the report needs to be sent on 1st of the next month, i.e., for July-September quarter, the report is to be sent on October 1, 2019.

SourceBombay Stock Exchange

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