The Ministry of Broadcasting (“MIB”) has issued an advisory in supersession of the advisories for submission of self-declaration certificate dated 03.06.2024 and 05.06.2024 (please refer to the attached documents- “Repealed Notification dt. 03.06.24” and “Repealed Notification dt. 05.06.24”).
Under the current advisory, MIB has directed that an annual self-declaration certificate will be uploaded by advertisers/advertising agencies issuing advertisements for products and services related to Food and Health sectors only. The self-declaration certificate is to be uploaded on the Broadcast Seva Portal and Press Council of India (PCI) Portal.
Additionally, the advertisers/advertising agencies to make available the proof of uploading the self-declaration to the concerned media stakeholders, such as TV channels, newspapers, entities involved in publishing of advertisements on the internet, etc. for the record.
Previously, in the repealed notifications MIB had directed all advertisers and advertising agencies to upload self-declaration certificate for all new advertisements that will be issued/telecast/aired/published.
Further, MIB has clarified that it is the responsibility of the advertisers/advertising agencies to ensure that every advertisement being issued by them is in adherence to the applicable Indian laws, rules and regulations in letter and spirit.
Source: Ministry of Broadcasting