AERB shuts down the operation of 11 medical diagnostic X-Ray machines in North Eastern States owing to radiation safety non-compliances; issues warning on 99 x-ray machines to meet regulatory and safety requirements

In a recent update dated 11th October, 2019, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (“AERB”), has informed about the shut-down of operations of some medical diagnostic X-Ray machines in North Eastern States owing to radiation safety non- compliances.

The provisions of Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004 (“Rules”), stipulate that the medical diagnostic X-ray machines must operate with compliance to radiation safety and regulatory requirements and obtain requisite Licence from AERB. To verify compliance to the said Rules, four teams of AERB officers carried out surprise inspections during September, 2019 and inspected 207 equipment of 53 X-ray facilities in 9 districts in Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland. AERB has sealed 11 X-ray machines as they were found non-compliant. Also, 99 X-ray machines have been issued with written warning and are required to meet specified regulatory and safety requirements.

AERB also advises the public not to patronize the X-ray facilities which are not having valid Licence issued by AERB.


SourceAtomic Energy Regulatory Board


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