Chhattisgarh Government eases requirement of e-passes for inter-State and intra-State movement; e-pass may be obtained voluntarily for the purpose of contact tracing

The Government of Chhattisgarh has notified that e-passes are not mandatory for inter-State and intra-State movement.

In view of COVID-19 pandemic, the State Government had earlier issued Orders which mandated individuals to obtain e-passes for inter-State and intra-State movement, but now, in an Order dated 23rd August, 2020, new instructions have been issued with regard to such movement in consonance with the MHA Unlock 3.0 Order–

  1. e-pass is not mandatory for inter-State and intra-State movement;
  2. Individuals have been encouraged to use e-pass voluntarily as this will help in contact tracing if someone is tested positive. The travel history can be used to identify potential positive patients in time;
  3. Passengers travelling to airports, railways, inter-state checkposts are advised to apply for an e-pass as this will help in contact tracing if the person gets infected;
  4. Quarantine instructions on inter-state movement will remain unchanged.

Note-  Order is in Vernacular and we have translated it to the best of our understanding.


Source: Government of Chhattisgarh


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