In an Order dated 10th November, 2023, rolled out by the Office of Labour Commissioner of Delhi, the requirement on the part of contractors deploying contract labours to upload details w.r.t category of contract labours employed, wages being paid to them and other statutory records, on their website has been done away with. Consequently, requirement to submit hard copies of the same to the concerned registering / licensing officer is also not required anymore.
This is with a view towards ease of doing business and realizing that such compliances over burden the Contractors.
The order directs registering/licensing officers under the Contract Labour (Regulation And Abolition) Act, 1970 (“Act”) to examine and process the registration/ license applications strictly in accordance with the Act and the rules made thereunder.
In the year of 2014, the Office of Labour Commissioner, Delhi Government issued an Office Order [Office Order No. J.L.C.(42)/C.L.A./2014/01/5454] which required the contractors deploying Contract Labour to upload the details of category of workmen employed, wages being paid, and other statutory records maintained by them on their respective website. Also, the hard copies of the above-mentioned information were to be submitted to the concerned registering / licensing officer.
While this update is dated 10th November 2023, it has been placed in the public domain recently.
For a detailed read of the office order please refer to the link provided below
Source: Government of NCT of Delhi