DGFT mandates providing of reasons/justification column of ANF-2D to seek FTP/HBP provision relaxation

Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has issued Trade Notice 43/2018-19 dated 30th January, 2019 to inform that all applicants seeking relaxation of Foreign Trade Policy(FTP) 2015-20 / Hand Book of Procedure(HBP) 2015-20 provisions must mandatorily fill column no. 15 of ANF 2D i.e. reasons/ justification for seeking relaxation, while making online application, to clearly bring out the relaxation being sought mentioning the relevant paragraph of FTP/HBP.

It is also clarified that applications received without this column duly filled will be treated as incomplete applications and will be rejected.

Source: Directorate General of Foreign Trade

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