FSSAI amends FSS (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011; stipulates Total Polar Compounds in unused/ fresh and used vegetable oil/ fat; effective immediately

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (“FSSAI”), in a Gazette Notification dated 26th October, 2020 has notified the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Third Amendment Regulations, 2020 (“Amendment”) in order to further amend the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011 (“Principal Regulations”).

The Amendment has gained effect immediately.

The Amendment inserts a new provision which stipulates that the “Total Polar Compounds” in unused or fresh vegetable oil or fat should not be more than 15% and used vegetable oil or fat having developed Total Polar Compounds more than 25% must not be used.

Food Business Operator have to comply with the provisions of these regulations on or before the 1st July, 2021.


Source: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

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