FSSAI issues advisory to FBOs for enclosing documents as proof of premises when operating from shared workspaces

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (“FSSAI”) has in an advisory clarified the documents to be provided for proof of premises for license application, if the Food Business Operators (“FBOs”) operates from shared workplaces. The advisory has been issued in the context of FBOs providing Work orders/ Work Contracts with the shared workspaces as proof of premises while applying for licences through FoSCoS.

In view of the above, FSSAI decides that FBOs has to provide proof of premise such as Lease or Rent or Contractual or any Agreement between the FBO and Workspace provider which is valid in court of law. This will be considered subject to the condition that FBO has to provide Permanent address of Authorized signatory within any Indian State/UT. Further, if FBO already possesses GST, PAN/TAN or CIN is also required to be enclosed.

These documents for proof of premises of shared workspace is restricted to the following Kind of Businesses (KoBs) only, where activities are limited to office related functions or record keeping task and not storage of food items:

1. Re-labelller
2. E- Commerce
3. Importer [If Import Export code (IE code) is issued on same location]
4. Trader/ Merchant- Exporter [If Import Export code (IE code) is issued on same location]
5. Food Vending Agencies
6. Transportation
7. Head Office/ Registered Office

A copy of the Notification is linked herewith for ease of reference.

Source: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India



1. On scrutiny of the application if the Licensing Authorities come across storage of food items in the premises may seek clarification from FBO.

2. FBOs must acquire all Permissions/ NOC from government bodies whenever necessary and acknowledge through self- declaration while applying.

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