In an Office Order dated 29th June, 2018, the Haryana State Pollution Control Board (“HSPCB”) has revised the criteria for categorizing building and construction projects under the Red and Orange category of industries.
The previous categorization did not cover building and construction projects having built-up area less than 20,000 Sq. m. The categorization was based upon the quantity and quality of effluent generated from the projects/industrial sectors and the area of the projects did not have any effect on generation of effluent or other pollutants.
In this recent Office Order, the HSPCB has omitted the criteria of built-up area mentioned in the building and construction projects under Red and Orange category.
Now, all building and construction projects, irrespective of their built-up area will get covered under the Red and Orange category depending only on the quantity of waste water generation. The revised categorization is as follows:
1. Building and construction projects having waste water generation more than 100 KLD – Red category
2. Building and construction projects having quantity of waste water generation between 10 KLD to 100 KLD – Orange Category.
The Central Pollution Control Board (“CPCB”) directed all State Pollution Control Boards to adopt the revised categorization of industrial sectors under Red, Orange, Green and White categories for the purpose of consent management under the Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981. Building and construction projects having built-up area of more than 20,000 sq. m. was categorized under Red and Orange category based upon the quantity of waste water generated from these projects.
The categorization was as follows:
1. Building and construction projects more than 20,000 sq. m built up area and having waste water generation more than 100 KLD – Red category
2. Building and construction projects more than 20000 sq. m built up area and having quantity of waste water generation between 10 KLD to 100 KLD – Orange category
Source: HSPCB