Jharkhand Labour, Employment and Training Department issues the Consumer Price Index for the months of July – December, 2017

The Labour, Employment and Training Department, Jharkhand has, vide a notification dated 26th March, 2018, issued the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) numbers applicable to employees, employed in certain scheduled employments, for the months of July – December, 2017.

The rates of Variable Dearness Allowance (“VDA”), for such employees, will be based on the average of all India CPI, on which their minimum rates of wages shall be fixed / revised. The rates of wages shall increase or decrease with the rise or fall of the CPI of such scheduled employments and it will be deemed as Variable Dearness Allowance Component.

However, it has to be noted that even if the index falls below the point on which the minimum rates of wages have been fixed / revised, such minimum wage fixed / revised shall not be reduced.

The payment of VDA on the basis of the average CPI of July-December, 2017, i.e. the 2nd half of 2017, shall be payable from 1st April, 2018.

Please refer to the attached document for further details.

Source: The Labour, Employment and Training Department, Jharkhand

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