Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change modifies the general conditions for Common Effluent Treatment Plants for projects / activities; effective 19.12.2018

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (“Ministry”) has, by way of a notification numbered S.O. 6250 (E) amended the Schedule of the Environmental Impact Notification, 2006 (“Amendment”) effective 19th December, 2018. 

Key Highlights:

  1. The Amendment substitutes the general conditions for all project which deals with Common Effluent Treatment Plants (“CETPs”) of the Schedule to the Environmental Impact Notification, 2006.
  2. A note under the General Conditions has been inserted to Paragraph 7(h) which deals with CETPs, which states that Environmental clearance for CETPs setup for or within projects or activities which do not require environmental clearance are exempted, and if any of the existing or proposed member units of the said CETP produces or proposes to produce any product requiring environmental clearance, then the CETP shall need environmental clearance.


Prior to the amendment, Environmental clearance for CETPs setup for or within the projects or activities which do not require environmental clearance were not exempted. Moreover, it has been emphasised that if any of the existing or proposed member units of the said CETP produces or proposes to produce any product requiring environmental clearance, then the said CETP shall need environmental clearance.

SourceMinistry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

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