Public comments invited on the draft Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2024; comments invited till 13-10-2024

With a view to amend the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 (“Rules”), the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (“MoEFCC”) has issued the draft Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2024 (“Draft”) and invited comments from the public till 13th October, 2024.

Key Highlights:

  • It has been proposed to include a separate chapter (Chapter VIII) on Extended Producer Responsibility (“EPR”) for Scrap of Non-Ferrous metals;
  • Several definitions such as non-ferrous metals, bulk consumer, manufacturers, producers, recyclers, etc. have been proposed to be included for the purposes of the above-mentioned chapter;
  • Modalities of EPR and the EPR targets for Producers as defined under the chapter have also been proposed to be incorporated;
  • The responsibilities of the various stakeholders under the Rules such as Manufacturers, Recyclers, Bulk Consumers, Collection agents, Refurbishers, etc. have also been mentioned in detail in the Draft Rules.
  • Additionally, Schedules specifying list of products made of non-ferrous metals (Schedule I), Extended Producer Responsibility obligation of Producer (Schedule II), list of products made of non-ferrous metals allowed for refurbishing (Schedule III) and Minimum use of recycled materials in new product made of non-ferrous metals in percentage (Schedule IV) have been proposed to be incorporated.

Any objection/suggestions in this regard may be sent through post to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003 or electronically sent at email address: ( or (


Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

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