The Labour and Employment Department, Tamil Nadu (“Department”) has, in an Order dated 15th May, 2018, informed that the minimum rate of wages payable to the following classes of employees in Timber Industry will be revised as follows:
Class of Employees | Minimum Rates of Basic Wages per day |
Skilled | Rs. 334.00 |
Semi-Skilled | Rs. 325.00 |
Unskilled | Rs. 317.00 |
The notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu Gazette.
It has been informed that, in addition to the revised minimum rates of wages, the employees will also be paid Dearness Allowance (‘DA’) as follows:
(i) The Dearness Allowance will be linked to the average of Chennai City Consumer Price lndex for the year 2010, i.e. 161 points (with base 2001=100) and for every rise of one point over and above 161 points, an increase of Rs. 1.95 will be paid as Dearness Allowance per day.
(ii) The Dearness Allowance will be calculated every year on the first day of April on the basis of the average of the indices of the preceding twelve months, that is from January to December.
(iii) The first calculation will be effective from the date of publication of the notification in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette based on the Average Consumer Price lndex number for the previous year.
The Department has further informed that:
(i) where the nature of work is the same, there will be no distinction between men and women in the payment of wages.
(ii) the daily wages will be multiplied by 30 to arrive at monthly wages.
(iii) existing wages will be continued to be paid in case the existing wages are higher than the fixed minimum wages.
Please note that the copy of the order is dated 15.05.2018. However, it was made available in the Public Domain on 18.06.2018.
For details on notification, please refer to the link below:
Source: Labour and Employment Department, Tamil Nadu